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Zero Percent Scared

Aug 22, 2019

Whats a vile vortex, you ask? It's a triangle where crazy stuff happens! You thought it was just the Bermuda triangle but there are SO MANY MORE TRIANGLES. But not really, most of them seem pretty normal. Or maybe it's aliens. Probably aliens. 
And tell your friends, we love friends! 

Vile Vortices!

Kavanaugh's Devils Triangle

Columbus in the Bermuda Triangle

What happened to the Mary Celeste?

Mohenjo Daro, city of mystery

General sciencey hypotheses about the Bermuda Triangle:

What even is it?

It's not even an actual thing

Rogue waves and humans are dumb

National Geographic says this!

Methane Clathrates

Microbursts, what the heck are they even

Honeycomb clouds are controversial?

Aaaaand the paranormal theories!

Beware the electronic fog!!!

Magnetic type weirdnesses

Haunted by the souls of kidnapped slaves

Aliens, why not

An insane space time warp theory website that hurts to read